Prof. Dr. Azlan Amran from University Sains Malaysia

March 10, 2020, oleh: superadmin

Sumber Berita: IPAcc

Tuesday (2/25/20) an activity was held to visit professors from Universiti Sains Malaysia. Azlan Amran arrived in Yogyakarta on Monday afternoon and last Thursday attended a public lecture at Amphiteather E6 B. He taught the Richet Archieval Design course in 2017 international accounting and UMY regular accounting. This public lecture was welcomed by 150 students and they were interested in the topic of Prof. Azlan. Professor Azlan raised the topic of "Sustainability Reporting; What, Why and How to measure? "Button.

According to Dra, Arum Indrasari M.Buss., Ak., CA, Director of IPAcc UMY, the visiting program of the professor this time to add insight and experience to the 6th semester students who will return will make their final project or thesis.