Accounting Bridging 2019 : Millennial and Holistic Accounting

October 26, 2019, oleh: superadmin

Saturday (10/19) at the Tourism Village of Pulesari, Sleman, the Bridging Accounting 2019 opening ceremony took place. The activity entitled “Millennial and Holistic Accounting” was held on October 19-20 with the opening which was opened by the chair of the accounting study program Dr Ahim Abdurahim, M.Sc., SAS., Ak., CA. The activity opened by Mr Ahim Abdurahim is expected to be a “bridge”, a bridge or a bridge for new students from high school to the world of lectures, a special lecture in the Accounting Study Program at Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta. At the end of the opening, “Old is certain. Adult is a choice, by being yourself will make fellow students have a strong foundation “.

Furthermore, the opening material was delivered by Dr Suryo Pratolo, S.E., M.Sc., Ak., CA., AAP-A. The speaker presented material about “BEDUKMUTU and BEDUKMAWA”. Introductions, e-commerce, this belongs to students to take the opportunity to do business. Suryo Pratolo gave some alumni who sold their goods in Bedukmawa and made a profit of 25 million.

Accounting Bridging Activities 2019 closed with outbound together in the tourism village of Pulesari, Sleman. The series of activities in the tourist village began with an art performance held at night with the theme “Muhammadiyah”. It is expected that with outbound activities new students can develop soft skills (personal and interpersonal, usually consisting of abilities) and hard skills (technical skills or mastery of someone’s field through speed and accuracy).